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Understanding Australian coins

This lesson is about Australian coins, their features, and their value. During the lesson, students explore what Australian coins look like, their value and their purpose. They identify and describe the features and value of Australian coins and make simple calculations using coins.


Place value: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Place value. Students further establish part-part-whole when exploring one- and two-digit numbers. They use partitioning to think about and represent numbers in different ways.


Informal units: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Informal units. Students develop their understanding of uniform informal units to measure the length of objects.


First to finish

Compare algorithms designed to complete the same task, and evaluate each for efficiency.


Mathematical modelling: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Mathematical modelling. Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive situations including simple money transactions.


Addition and subtraction: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Addition and subtraction. Students build upon the foundations of additive thinking. They draw upon part-part-whole understanding of numbers to 10 as they explore addition and subtraction within 20.


Position and location: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Position and location. Students describe the positional relationship between different objects using relevant spatial language. Support students in learning to describe position, direction and movement.


My special time

Students tell time to the hour and half-hour. They match analog and digital time representations.


Desk through the doorway

Use this diagnostic task in the style of a one-on-one interview to assess a student's understanding and skills in comparing length.


First steps in mathematics: Space

This guide supports teachers to develop students’ geometric understandings.


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 2

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding operations, calculating, and reasoning about number patterns.


First steps in mathematics: Measurement – Book 2

A guide to teaching about measurement including indirect measuring, and estimating.


The farm

Use this task to assist in assessing student knowledge, skills and processes related to drawing a plan, showing the position and orientation of objects and positional language they use.


First steps in mathematics: Number – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding whole and decimal numbers, and understanding fractional numbers.


Pattern pursuit

Students identify, describe and create repeating patterns.


Put them together

Students rearrange the parts of an addition situation to show commutativity. They use appropriate thinking strategies to solve simple addition problems and record addition problems with numerals and symbols.


The animals went in two by two

Students recall the twos number sequence and use skip counting by twos to count a collection.


First steps in mathematics: Chance and data

This guide supports teachers to develop students’ understanding, skills and processes related to probability and statistics.


First steps in mathematics: Measurement – Book 1

The content of this book is organised into topics including understanding units, and direct measuring.


Measurement: Foundation to Year 9

This comprehensive resource describes the progression of measurement ideas. The resource demonstrates examples of relevant teaching strategies, investigations, activity plans and connected concepts in measurement including teaching and cultural implications.